Apply for a Second Passport

Government approved legal citizenship and residency offering family security, visa free travel and financial stability.

Prequalify your application for second citizenship by completing the following form


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"Life Without Borders"®

Invest in your future with Savory and Partners, a British owned and operated company based in Dubai. Approved by governments around the world, Established in 2010, Savory and Partners have been guiding their esteemed clients to dual nationality. Savory and Partners assists clients obtain a second passport and residency through transparency, knowledge and trust. Granting themselves and their future generations travel freedom and personal security. By providing the highest level of service from beginning to end, we guarantee our clients a successful application. The international team of consultants has an unrivaled knowledge of Citizenship by Investment and Residency Programs across the globe.

Apply for Dual Citizenship

Our team of citizenship professionals offers superior expertise in the complex decision-making and application processes necessary to gain the right citizenship and/or residency option for you and your family. Our core values are trust, transparency and reliability, three tenets that ensure applicants a successful outcome, and pave the way for a safer more secure future.

Our Citizenship Service brings together a wealth of global experience and a range of citizenship and residency programmes, which include:

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Do I Need a Second Passport?

  • In four months you/your family can hold a new passport
  • Build a better future for your family
  • No more visas for the UK Schengen or Canada
  • Reduce your tax liability
  • Free education, healthcare and better human rights
  • No need to physically live in the Country to obtain citizenship
  • Prices starting from $100,000 USD

Why us?

  • 100% completion success
  • We are objective and unbiased with our country programs
  • Largest selection of countries available of all other competitors, giving you total choice
  • Highly confidential and discreet with our approach